Wandelkaart 21 Strangford Lough County Cork - OSNI

Newtownards - Downpatrick - Comber
Door: Ordnance Survey – Gepubliceerd: 16 augustus 2024

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Wandelkaart Strangford Lough County Cork - Ordnance Survey Productomschrijving: Strangford Lough is een inlaat/haven(tje) van de Ierse Zee in het noordoosten van Ierland. Maps in the Dis...

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Ordnance Survey
€ 17,95
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  • Uitgever: Ordnance Survey
  • ISBN-13: 9781911643074
  • Activiteiten: Wandelen, Hiking & Trekking
  • Regio: County Cork, Ierland, Northern Ireland, UK
  • Land: Noord Ierland
  • TOPO's & Stafkaarten: Topografisch wandelen
  • Schaal: 1:50000
  • Taal: Engels
  • Reeks: OSNI, Northern Ireland

Volledige omschrijving

Wandelkaart Strangford Lough County Cork - Ordnance Survey

Productomschrijving: Strangford Lough is een inlaat/haven(tje) van de Ierse Zee in het noordoosten van Ierland.

Maps in the Discoverer series have contours at 10m intervals, with plenty of spot heights and bold altitude colouring above 150m. Graphics indicate different types of woodlands. In coastal areas the maps show high and low water mark, cliffs, mud/shingle or sand, etc. Road network grades minor roads according to their widths, includes local tracks and shows gradients on steep routes. Railways are shown with stations and the maps include other details expected of topographic mapping at this scale.

An overprint highlights waymarked walking trails as well as cycle routes of the Sustrans National Cycle Network. Boundaries of National Trust land are marked, indicating areas with limited opening. Places of interest are prominently highlighted and a range of symbols provide other tourist information including camping or caravan sites and youth hostels, bus stations, parking, picnic areas, viewpoints, gold courses, etc. Each map covers an area of 40 x 30km (25 x 19 miles approximately) and has a 1km Irish Grid, plus latitude and longitude margin ticks at 1' intervals. Map legend is English, French and German. On the reverse each sheet has an indexed monochrome map showing townland boundaries.


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