Techniekgids The Climbing Bible: Managing Injuries - Vertebrate

The indispensable guide to injury prevention
Door: Vertebrate Publishing – Gepubliceerd: 3 oktober 2024
Auteur(s): Stian Christophersen

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The Climbing Bible: Managing Injuries - Vertebrate Productomschrijving: Injury prevention and rehabilitation for climbing and bouldering. The Climbing Bible: Managing Injuries by Stian C...

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Vertebrate Publishing
€ 34,95
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  • Uitgever: Vertebrate Publishing
  • ISBN-13: 9781839812002
  • HOOFDCATEGORIEËN: Techniekgids
  • Activiteiten: Klimmen & Alpinisme
  • Auteur: Stian Christophersen
  • Regio: Alle regio's wereldwijd
  • Land: Alle landen wereldwijd
  • Taal: Engels

Volledige omschrijving

The Climbing Bible: Managing Injuries - Vertebrate

Productomschrijving: Injury prevention and rehabilitation for climbing and bouldering.

The Climbing Bible: Managing Injuries by Stian Christophersen is the indispensable guide to injury prevention and rehabilitation for climbers. It describes the most common climbing injuries that the author frequently encounters in his clinical practice, and examines how they can be diagnosed and treated – and even prevented from occurring in the first place.

It is designed to be scientifically strong, yet presented simply, so that it can make an important contribution to the knowledge base that healthcare professionals refer to when treating climbers, yet also be easily accessible to climbers who do not have a healthcare background.

The book is split into three parts and features anatomical illustrations along with exercise and action photos. The first part gives an essential overview of factors which can influence injuries and rehab, such as sleep, training load, warming up, differences related to age and gender, and strength training. Part two focuses on the common injuries experienced by climbers – including pulley injuries, elbow tendinopathies and hamstring ruptures, as well as growth plate injuries in young climbers – and advice about how to rehab or prevent these common injuries. And the third part explores the fascinating subject of pain science – what the sensation of pain really means, and how we interpret and can influence our experience of pain.

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