Reisgids Gambia - Bradt travel guides

The Smiling Coast!
Door: Bradt guides – Gepubliceerd: 8 januari 2024
Auteur(s): Philip Briggs, Sean Connolly, Simon Fenton

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Gambia - Bradt travel guides Engelse omschrijving: Co-authored by regional expert Sean Connolly and Philip Briggs, the world’s foremost guidebook writer on Africa, this third edition of Brad...

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Bradt guides
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  • Uitgever: Bradt guides
  • ISBN-13: 9781804690611
  • Activiteiten: Toerisme
  • Auteur: Philip Briggs, Sean Connolly, Simon Fenton
  • Regio: West Afrika
  • Land: Gambia
  • Editie: 3
  • Taal: Engels

Volledige omschrijving

Gambia - Bradt travel guides

Engelse omschrijving: Co-authored by regional expert Sean Connolly and Philip Briggs, the world’s foremost guidebook writer on Africa, this third edition of Bradt’s The Gambia remains the most comprehensive guide available to mainland Africa’s smallest country. This new edition integrates recent developments, from recently opened restaurants and hotels to the new roads and bridges that make circumnavigating the country easier than ever.

The guide provides detailed coverage of ecolodges and camps, information on festivals, music workshops and opportunities to experience local culture, plus advice about birdwatching possibilities in a country popular with first-time birders to Africa. As well as encompassing popular coastal resorts, the guide provides information required to explore the relatively undeveloped interior and proposes excursions into neighbouring Senegal, making it ideal for visitors on organised holidays and independent travellers alike.

Bradt’s The Gambia reveals all the practical information needed to explore arguably Africa’s most welcoming and safest country (not for nothing is it nicknamed the ‘Smiling Coast’) with its plethora of beach resorts, catering to all tastes and budgets, that line the 80km stretch of tropical coastline running from the capital Banjul to the remote southern border. Small in size but rich in African character, The Gambia offers perhaps the closest English-speaking ‘winter sun’ destination from Europe.

Justifiably popular with birdwatchers, the lush mangrove- and jungle-fringed River Gambia is also home to crocodiles, hippos, rehabilitated chimpanzees and various monkeys. The Gambia offers rich heritage tourism for moderately adventurous travellers, from the mysterious megalithic stone circles at Wassu and Ker Batch to fortified James Island and the former slave-trading village of Juffureh – the heart of novelist Alex Haley’s Roots country and part of two UNESCO World Heritage Sites. And why not enhance your visit further by experiencing colourful local markets, witnessing Kankuran and Kumpo spirit masquerades or joining a kayak cruise from the sleepy river port of Janjanbureh, or paying homage to The Gambia’s inspiring journey towards democracy and reconciliation at Memory House?

All in all, Bradt’s The Gambia is the perfect companion for discovering this safe, welcoming and tourist-friendly English-speaking country which provides an ideal short-stay introduction to Africa’s unique atmosphere.

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