Reisgids Caribbean - Rough guides
Bahamas- Turks & Caicos- Cuba- Cayman Islands- Jamaica
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Reisgids Caribbean van Rough guides Productomschrijving: Deze praktische reisgids voor de Caraïben bevat gedetailleerde, feitelijke reistips en interessante gestructureerde lijsten met alle ...

- Uitgever: Rough Guides
- ISBN-13: 9781839058035
- Regio: Caraïbische Zee
- Land: Caraïbische Eilanden
- Editie: 4
- Taal: Engels
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Reisgids Caribbean van Rough guides
Productomschrijving: Deze praktische reisgids voor de Caraïben bevat gedetailleerde, feitelijke reistips en interessante gestructureerde lijsten met alle iconische must-see bezienswaardigheden, maar ook een aantal schatten die buiten de gebaande paden liggen. Onze reissuggesties en deskundige auteurs kiezen dingen om te zien en te doen en maken het een perfecte metgezel, zowel voor als tijdens je reis.
Deze Caraïbische reisgids staat boordevol details over hoe je er komt, informatie voor vertrek en tips om tijd te besparen, inclusief een visuele lijst van dingen die je niet mag missen. Onze kaarten met kleurcodering maken het gemakkelijker om door de Caraïben te navigeren terwijl je er bent. Deze reisgids voor het Caribisch gebied is volledig bijgewerkt na COVID-19 en wordt geleverd met een gratis eBook.
Omvat: The Bahamas, Turks & Caicos, Cuba, The Cayman Islands, Jamaica, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, The Virgin Islands, Anguilla, St Martin, Saba & St Eustatius, St Kitts & Nevis, Montserrat, Antigua & Barbuda, The French West Indies, Dominica, St Lucia, Barbados, St Vincent & the Grenadines, Grenada, Trinidad & Tobago, The ABC Islands.
Engelse omschrijving: This practical travel guide to the Caribbean features detailed factual travel tips and points-of-interest structured lists of all iconic must-see sights as well as some off-the-beaten-track treasures. Our itinerary suggestions and expert author picks of things to see and do will make it a perfect companion both, ahead of your trip and on the ground. This Caribbean guide book is packed full of details on how to get there and around, pre-departure information and top time-saving tips, including a visual list of things not to miss. Our colour-coded maps make the Caribbean easier to navigate while you're there. This guide book to the Caribbean has been fully updated post-COVID-19 and it comes with a free eBook.
Inside this Caribbean travel guide you'll find:
Experiences selected for every kind of trip to the Caribbean, from off-the-beaten-track adventures in Dominica to family activities in child-friendly places, like Nassau in the Bahamas, or chilled-out breaks in popular tourist areas, like Jamaica's Montego Bay.
Essential pre-departure information including the Caribbean's entry requirements, getting around, health information, travelling with children, sports and outdoor activities, food and drink, festivals, culture and etiquette, shopping, tips for travellers with disabilities and more.
Includes carefully planned routes covering the best of the Caribbean, which give a taste of the richness and diversity of the destination, and have been created for different time frames or types of trip.
Clear structure within each sightseeing chapter of this Caribbean travel guide includes regional highlights, brief history, detailed sights and places ordered geographically, recommended restaurants, hotels, bars, clubs and major shops or entertainment options.
Tips on how to beat the crowds, save time and money and find the best local spots for diving, hiking, snorkelling, swimming and shopping.
Rough Guides' rundown of the French West Indies, the ABC islands, St Vincent and the Grenadines' best sights and top experiences helps to make the most of each trip to the Caribbean, even in a short time.
Written by Rough Guides' expert authors with a trademark blend of humour, honesty and expertise, this Caribbean guide book will help you find the best places, matching different needs.
Comprehensive 'Contexts' chapter of this travel guide to the Caribbean features fascinating insights into the Caribbean with coverage of history, religion, ethnic groups, environment, wildlife and books, plus a handy language section and glossary.
Features inspirational colour photography, including the stunning Pitons in St Lucia and the spectacular Boiling Lake in Dominica.
Practical full-colour maps, with clearly numbered, colour-coded keys for quick orientation in Castries (St Lucia), Roseau (Dominica), Havana (Cuba) and Kingston (Jamaica), and many more locations in the Caribbean, reduce the need to go online.
With helpful icons, and organised by neighbourhood to help you pick the best spots to spend your time.
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