Klimgids Mountaineering in the Pyrenees - Vertebrate Publ.

25 classic mountain routes
Door: Vertebrate Publishing – Gepubliceerd: 3 augustus 2015
Auteur(s): François Laurens

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Mountaineering in the Pyrenees - Vertebrate Productomschrijving: 25 classic mountain routes. Mountaineering in the Pyrenees by François Laurens features 25 classic mountain routes and link-u...

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Vertebrate Publishing
€ 19,95
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  • Uitgever: Vertebrate Publishing
  • ISBN-13: 9781910240564
  • Activiteiten: Klimmen & Alpinisme, Rotsklimmen
  • Auteur: François Laurens
  • Regio: Catalaanse Pyreneeën, Spanje, Franse Pyreneeën, Frankrijk, Navarra, Spanje, Nouvelle-Aquitaine, Frankrijk, Occitanië, Frankrijk, Spaanse Pyreneeën, Spanje
  • Land: Frankrijk, Spanje
  • Taal: Engels
  • Klimmen: Alpinisme, Rotsklimmen
  • De Franse Regio's: Nouvelle Aquitaine, Occitanië
  • Iconische Bergketens van Europa: De Pyreneeën

Volledige omschrijving

Mountaineering in the Pyrenees - Vertebrate

Productomschrijving: 25 classic mountain routes. Mountaineering in the Pyrenees by François Laurens features 25 classic mountain routes and link-ups – many of them accessible from spring to autumn – along the entire Pyrenean chain. Featured peaks include Pic des Posets, Monte Perdido and the Vignemale. Each route features technical notes, a topo and route description, and stunning photography.

Mountaineering in the Pyrenees features twenty-five classic mountain routes and link-ups that will delight any mountaineer who enjoys getting off the beaten track. Author and mountain guide François Laurens has drawn upon his encyclopaedic knowledge of the Pyrenees, and recommendations from other mountaineers, to put together a diverse selection of climbs – many of them accessible from spring to autumn – along the entire Pyrenean chain, from the Mediterranean to the Basque country.

The most characteristic feature of the Pyrenees is its hodgepodge of topographies, climates and lives, all jumbled together. Sometimes, moving just a short way across this patchwork landscape, perhaps from one side of a cliff to another, is enough to take you into a completely different environment. This diversity is reflected in the routes featured in this book.

Ridge traverses and rock climbs dominate the selection, which includes only a few ephemeral snow climbs, but every route has its own unique character and provides a wonderful day out in the mountains.

Featured routes include the Salenques-Tempestades Ridge on Pico de Aneto, the Espadas Ridge on Pic des Posets, and a selection of climbs on the renowned peaks of Monte Perdido, the Maladeta, the Balaitous, the Vignemale, and the Grand Astazous and Petit Astazous.

Each route features technical notes, a topo and route description, and photos illustrating the character of the climbing.

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