GR® routes
Toepasselijke bergketen
Tom Martens bij Bibliotrek
Tom Martens grew up in Belgium and first visited the Pyrenees in 2008 with a friend who had made him enthusiastic about the mountain chain. This first exploration was so enchanting that he has been back every year since. He has hiked extensively in the national parks and traversed the whole length of the Pyrenees several times. He has guided groups of youngsters on long, intensive hikes and climbed many of the high peaks.
So far, he has spent 500 nights in the Pyrenees, mostly bivouacking. He has a special interest in mountain wildlife. Other regions where you can often find him hiking include Scotland and Estonia, where he currently lives.

Wandelgids Pyrenean Haute Route - Cicerone • 9781852849818
Wandelgids - Pyrenean Haute Route - Cicerone Productomschrijving: There are three main trekking routes across the Pyrenees from coast to coast: of these, the Pyrenean Haute Route (or HRP for Haute Route Pyrénéenne) is the most challenging - and arguably, the most spectacular. Unlike the GR10 and GR11, it is not waymarked and borders on mountaineering at times, sticking as closely as possi…

Wandelgids GR11 The Traverse of the Spanish Pyrenees - Cicerone • 9781786311665
GR11 The Traverse of the Spanish Pyrenees - Cicerone Productomschrijving: De GR11 doorkruist de Spaanse Pyreneeën van Irún aan de Atlantische kust tot Cap de Creus aan de Middellandse Zee, en heeft vaak beter weer dan zijn Franse tegenhanger, de GR10. De route van 820 km voert over hoge bergpassen en door weidse valleien en is verdeeld in 47 etappes. Trekkers moeten ervaring hebben met hoo…