Wandelkaart OL24 Peak District & White Peak area - OSI

Een nationaal park van formaat
Door: Ordnance Survey – Gepubliceerd: 24 februari 2020

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Wandelkaart Peak District & White Peak area - Engels Productomschrijving: Kaart nummer OL 24 in de OS Explorer-serie beslaat het Peak District-gebied rond Buxton, Bakewell, Matlock en Dove D...

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Ordnance Survey
€ 24,95
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  • Uitgever: Ordnance Survey
  • ISBN-13: 9780319475720
  • Activiteiten: Wandelen, Hiking & Trekking
  • Regio: Derbyshire, England
  • Land: England
  • Waterafstotende kaart: Ordnance Survey ACTIVE Explorer Weatherproof Maps
  • Nationale parken: Peak District NP, Derbyshire UK
  • Schaal: 1:25000
  • Taal: Engels
  • Reeks: Landranger ACTIVE series OSI

Volledige omschrijving

Wandelkaart Peak District & White Peak area - Engels

Productomschrijving: Kaart nummer OL 24 in de OS Explorer-serie beslaat het Peak District-gebied rond Buxton, Bakewell, Matlock en Dove Dale en is de perfecte kaart om te gebruiken bij het verkennen van het White Peak-gebied. Het landschap is een traktatie voor buitenenthousiasten die de ontsluitingen van lichtgekleurde kalksteen kunnen zien die het gebied zijn naam geven.

Engelse omschrijving: Map sheet number OL 24 in the OS Explorer series covers the Peak District area surrounding Buxton, Bakewell, Matlock and Dove Dale and is the perfect map to use when exploring the White Peak area. The scenery is a treat for outdoors enthusiasts who will be able to see the outcrops of light coloured limestone that give the area its name.

Highlights include: Castle rock, Middleton Dale, Derbyshire Dales, The Roaches, Buxton, Bakewell, Matlock, Dovedale, Chatsworth House, limestone caves, and the thermal springs at Middleton Stoney.

The OS Explorer map for The Peak District - White Peak Area is available in both the standard paper version and weatherproof 'Active' version. Whether you’re a seasoned outdoor expert or a leisurely sightseer, with the OS Explorer OL24 map of the White Peaks to hand, you’ll be on the right track no matter where your adventure takes you. Trusted by outdoor enthusiasts from all walks of life, this easy-to-follow fold-up map is the perfect companion for all your excursions in the White Peaks area of the Peak District, from days out, to week-long hikes. Taking its name from its limestone landscape, this part of the Peaks is full of fascinating caves and dry river valleys to explore. If walking’s what you’ve set out to do, why not tackle the 25-mile long White Peaks Challenge?

Using the pretty town of Stoney Middleton as a base, serious climbers can take on ‘Our Father’, a challenging climb up Windy Buttress. Alternatively, head underground to explore over 3 000 metres of caves at the limestone gorge of Middleton Dale. There are bustling towns in the white peak area of the Peak District including Buxton and Matlock, or you could treat yourself to one of Bakewell's legendary tarts. Whether you’re passionate about cycling and sightseeing, or rambling and riding, you’ll get the most out of your days out in the White Peaks with the OS Explorer OL24 map to guide you. You’ll find every fine detail covered, from rivers to rights of way, as well as a wealth of information you won’t find on other maps.


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