Wandelgids Classic Day Walks in the Peak District - Vertebrate
20 classic circular routes 13km to 19.5 km
Korte omschrijving
Classic Day Walks in the Peak District - Vertebrate Productomschrijving: Day Walks in the Peak District – 20 classic circular routes features 20 circular walks, between 8.1 and 12.1 miles (1...

- Uitgever: Vertebrate Publishing
- ISBN-13: 9781906148492
- Activiteiten: Wandelen, Hiking & Trekking
- Auteur: Barry Pope, Norman Taylor
- Regio: Derbyshire & Peak District, England
- Land: England
- Nationale parken: Peak District NP, Derbyshire UK
- Taal: Engels
Volledige omschrijving
Classic Day Walks in the Peak District - Vertebrate
Productomschrijving: Day Walks in the Peak District – 20 classic circular routes features 20 circular walks, between 8.1 and 12.1 miles (13km and 19.5km), suitable for hillwalkers of all abilities. Local authors Norman Taylor and Barry Pope share walks in their favourite areas of the Peak District National Park including Chatsworth, Chee Dale and Kinder Scout.
The routes are split into three areas – The High Moors, Hills Tors and Edges and Limestone Country – and feature walks around some of the most wild and beautiful places in the Peak District National Park, including; Alport Castles, Back Tor and Derwent Edge, the Monsal Trail through Chee Dale, the Kinder Edges, Chatsworth, Stanage Moor, The Roaches, Lathkill Dale, Chrome Hill, Cressbrook Dale, Wolfscote Dale and Dove Dale. Researched and written by local hillwalkers, Norman Taylor and Barry Pope, each route features clear and easy to use Ordnance Survey maps, easy-to-follow directions, details of distance, navigation information, refreshment stops and local knowledge. The book is illustrated with stunning location photography, and also features a detailed Appendix.
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