Reisgids Japan (ENG) - Marco Polo

Okinawa - Tokyo - Mount Fuji - Geisha District
Door: Marco Polo Travel Publishing – Gepubliceerd: 11 september 2023

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Reisgids Japan - Marco Polo Productomschrijving:  Let Marco Polo Japan guide you around this beautiful country! Explore Japan with this handy, pocket-sized, authoritative guide, packed w...

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Marco Polo Travel Publishing
€ 14,50
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  • Uitgever: Marco Polo Travel Publishing
  • ISBN-13: 9781914515187
  • Regio: Japan, Azië
  • Land: Japan
  • Editie: 3
  • Taal: Engels

Volledige omschrijving

Reisgids Japan - Marco Polo

Productomschrijving:  Let Marco Polo Japan guide you around this beautiful country!

Explore Japan with this handy, pocket-sized, authoritative guide, packed with Insider Tips!

Discover boutique hotels, authentic restaurants, the country's trendiest places, and get tips on shopping and what to do on a limited budget. There are plenty of ideas for travel with kids, and a summary of all the festivals and events that take place in Japan. Let Marco Polo show you all this exotic country has to offer. From the sprawling metropolis of Tokyo to the tropical beaches of Okinawa, Marco Polo Japan introduces you to this unique travel destination.

Discover the many highlights of Japan including Mount Fuji at sunrise, the famous Geisha District and the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park as well as temples and shrines, bustling harbour towns and traditional, landscaped gardens.

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