Klimgids Mont Blanc & the Aiguilles Rouges - Vertebrate Publ.
60 Rock routes from F4 to F6a+
Korte omschrijving
Selected Climbs Mont Blanc & the Aiguilles Rouges - Vertebrate Productomschrijving: 60 rock routes from F4 to F6a+ Written by Jean-Louis Laroche and Florence Lelong, Selected Climbs: Mon...

- Uitgever: Vertebrate Publishing
- ISBN-13: 9781910240458
- Activiteiten: Klimmen & Alpinisme, Rotsklimmen
- Auteur: Florence Lelong, Jean-Louis Laroche
- Regio: Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Frankrijk
- Land: Frankrijk
- Departement: Haute-Savoie (74)
- Taal: Engels
- Klimmen: Rotsklimmen
- De Franse Regio's: Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
- Iconische Bergketens van Europa: De Mont Blanc
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Selected Climbs Mont Blanc & the Aiguilles Rouges - Vertebrate
Productomschrijving: 60 rock routes from F4 to F6a+
Written by Jean-Louis Laroche and Florence Lelong, Selected Climbs: Mont Blanc & the Aiguilles Rouges is a guide to the best 60 rock climbs in the Mont Blanc range and on the Aiguilles Rouges, from F4 to F6a+. The routes are of moderate difficulty and can all be done in a day. Features technical notes, topos, photos and route descriptions.
The selection is based on purely hedonistic criteria, including the beauty of the cliff, the variety of the climbing and the quality of the rock. The emphasis is on enjoyable climbs with easy access and descents. The routes cover a variety of rock types, climbing styles and protection (natural and fixed).
All the routes are of moderate difficulty and can be done comfortably in a day without the need to carry heavy or bulky gear.
Written by local climbers Jean-Louis Laroche and Florence Lelong, this selection of sixty climbs on forty summits in seventeen areas around the Chamonix valley features established classics and recent additions. Included are Marchand de Sable on the Tour Rouge, the Rebuffat Route on the Aiguille du Midi, and the Frison-Roche route of the south-east face of the Brevent, plus many more. Each route features technical notes, a detailed topo and route description, and photos illustrating the climb's unique character.
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