Klimgids Bleau Blocs Fontainebleau forest - Vertebrate Publ.

100 boulder problems in the Fontainebleau forest
Door: Vertebrate Publishing – Gepubliceerd: 6 mei 2021
Auteur(s): Stephan Denys

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Korte omschrijving

Klimgids Bleau Blocs Fontainebleau forest Productomschrijving: 100 of the finest boulder problems in the Fontainebleau forest Bleau Blocs is a visual celebration of this unique and vast ...

Beschikbaarheid: Binnen 5-7 werkdagen
Dit artikel is niet op voorraad, maar wel op voorraad bij onze leverancier!

Vertebrate Publishing
€ 34,95
incl. BTW


  • Uitgever: Vertebrate Publishing
  • ISBN-13: 9781839810497
  • Activiteiten: Boulderen & Slackline
  • Auteur: Stephan Denys
  • Regio: Fontainebleau, Frankrijk, Île-de-France
  • Land: Frankrijk
  • Departement: Seine-et-Marne (77)
  • Taal: Engels
  • Klimmen: Boulderen & Slackline, Boulderen Fontainebleau
  • De Franse Regio's: Île-de-France

Volledige omschrijving

Klimgids Bleau Blocs Fontainebleau forest

Productomschrijving: 100 of the finest boulder problems in the Fontainebleau forest

Bleau Blocs is a visual celebration of this unique and vast bouldering venue.

Stéphan Denys is the eye of the Fontainebleau forest. Having spent nearly forty years as a photographer and climber roaming every inch of the rocky landscape, he has developed a special bond with these sandstone giants and their unique shapes: sometimes round and bumpy, sometimes sharp and angular, but always fascinating. His photos span a range of eras and are accompanied by texts that expand on the context and characteristics of each boulder problem.

The 100 striking problems chosen are listed by sector: the National Forest, the Trois Pignons, Larchant and Nemours, followed by Buthiers and l’Essonne. Through this selection, the author shares his vision of bouldering in Fontainebleau and invites us to consider the boulders more deeply from all their angles.

An inspiring book for all climbers, whatever their level!

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