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Nicole Bukaty bij Bibliotrek
Nicole Bukaty is a French and Spanish teacher in Crieff, Scotland. Originally, from Kraków, Poland, she grew up in London and France and has lived in Colombia, Spain and Russia. She has a BA Joint Hons degree in Philosophy and Hispanic Studies and a MA in Philosophy, both from King's College London. She obsessively uses up her holidays to walk, totalling just over 5000km on long-distance paths so far, predominantly Camino de Santiago pilgrimages.
She mainly hikes solo and adores bonding with fellow pilgrims. Otherwise, her wonderful walking companions are her sister, mother, their cocker spaniels ('perrogrinos'), her fiancé and their lurcher. In November, while investigating this book, she had a go at bike-packing and although she fell off just before Villanueva del Campeán on Stage 25, she knows she's getting hooked.

Wandelgids La Via de la Plata and Camino Sanabres - Cicerone • 9781786310804
La Via de la Plata & Camino Sanabres - Cicerone Productomschrijving: Een nieuwe wandelgids over het lopen van de pelgrimsroute La Via de la Plata en Camino Sanabres door Spanje. De 995 km lange route tussen Sevilla en Santiago de Compostela wordt gedetailleerd beschreven, samen met een verlenging naar Astorga voor degenen die zich willen aansluiten bij de Camino Frances en alternatieve rou…